Social Studies lecture for 5 hours straight

The expression of a long "sigh" is expected from the news of having a 5 hours lecture with our beloved lecturer for Social Studies lecture. Everyone is talking what to do with that 5 long hours. Some say that, "i am going to bring this and that to kill the time," "i am going to watch movies throughout the lecture."

Of course, they did what they say but for me, i really do enjoy the lecture for the day. In fact, i can say that it caught my interest by the way the lecturer deliver her lecture. She uses the approach of two way interaction where it makes us less bored than just listen to the talks by herself only unlike LDV lecture where the lecturer are the only one that is speaking throughout the three hours. Besides that, the lecturer also gives short break in order to freshen up him/herself. This actually helps the student to gain better knowledge that are being delivered because everyone have a time span in receiving knowledge. It stop when the times up. So, to be a good teacher/ lecturer, One must know when to give student to rest their brain in order to maximize the input of the students.

A summary of the day should be conducted in order to get what the student had learnt after the lecture.

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