Social Studies lecture for 5 hours straight

The expression of a long "sigh" is expected from the news of having a 5 hours lecture with our beloved lecturer for Social Studies lecture. Everyone is talking what to do with that 5 long hours. Some say that, "i am going to bring this and that to kill the time," "i am going to watch movies throughout the lecture."

Of course, they did what they say but for me, i really do enjoy the lecture for the day. In fact, i can say that it caught my interest by the way the lecturer deliver her lecture. She uses the approach of two way interaction where it makes us less bored than just listen to the talks by herself only unlike LDV lecture where the lecturer are the only one that is speaking throughout the three hours. Besides that, the lecturer also gives short break in order to freshen up him/herself. This actually helps the student to gain better knowledge that are being delivered because everyone have a time span in receiving knowledge. It stop when the times up. So, to be a good teacher/ lecturer, One must know when to give student to rest their brain in order to maximize the input of the students.

A summary of the day should be conducted in order to get what the student had learnt after the lecture.

SUKHI HOTU : The Lotus Greeting

SUKHI HOTU : The Lotus Greeting

foundation year Sem 2 April

Finally, the month of April is over. Shoulders are kinda free from stress cause by the hectic packed scheduled. First thing that is hectic for this month is that we, all of the TESLIAN should take MUET in order to enter degree year with the minimum requirement of band 4. I am so damn afraid that i will not get band 4. May god bless me.^^. Following next, the TESL trainee teacher also needs to participate in the Language Camp from the 18th to 20th of April. A lot of meeting, preparation and other stuffs are done in order to make the camp a success. Although we are not the committee members of the camp but as a participant, the job that needs to be done is totally absurdly too much to handle. Although my team members and I, the Alice Walker group done a lot of preparation, the end product satisfy all of us where we are the champ on the overall of the camp judged by the marks won by each and every competition held.  The busy month did not end there.  In order to upgrade myself, i signed in for the JPP where I want to mold my management skills better. Three interview had been held which most of it falls on the day before a grand event such as MUET the next day. But, "ALL IS WELL." In the end, i became a JPP for Biro Keseniaan and Kebudayaan as the vice president under Farhanah Abdullah. The last things to wrap up would be the sports day. My class is in charged with the attendance of the whole institute but in the end, i am the one doing all the work where i called every Head Option to take the attendance of their respective classes. Genius aren't I..Flattering myself^^. Things such as crash of feelings between my best friend and I happened where he says that i did not wait for him as i promised although i did wait for him but i just couldn't find him so i carry on with the other two friends of mine. He keeps using this to hurt my feelings. Although he said that I did not care for him, then why did he call me to do something to cover his own wrong doing with the power i hold in my hands?

What comes around goes around

                Today, Iam one of the selected students to go for a seminar on Innovation in Education.When I heard of this news, I am totally unsatisfied because I am going to wastemy time with this talk. Unfortunately, it turns out to be just fine where we aretaught of English such as paraphrasing, find the main idea and some othersalso. It is a enjoyable session where can have fun while learning. The one whogives the talk is given by Dr. Hayati binti Ismail. (I am called to jot downnotes to give to the other)
                After the4 hours session, we took a photograph so that we can remember this day. Then,off we go to the dining hall for our lunch which is unexpectedly prepared. Supposedly,there isn’t any lunch for us, said Madam Sohaila. I just took my lunch and wentto the book fair where novels are sold by Dr. Hayati. The real price for onebook is RM 10 but she gives me offer to buy 2 novels for RM 10. How nice ofher.  She is doing good deeds and at thesame time encourages me to read more. Here, I would like to say thank you toDr. Hayati for her generosity.


Today, i had a sumptuous meal until i can barely walk back from the food court. What a laugh i can say. Then, i take a nap for an hour and off i went to the gym. Played there for a while after running the field for 2 round non-stop. Not bad hehe..^^. I continue to play volleyball with the TESLIAN and also some other course seniors. After three rounds, Ami wants to play so i switch with her. Continued playing sports. This time is basketball which drains mana strenght completely.. Now i am so sleepy...nite^.^

let it end fast

What is the purpose of selectinga head for a group when they are not cooperating? Funny isn’t it. Supposed tobe, if you pick a person to be a leader, we supposed to follow what he/she saidright? My classmate just won’t cooperate with me. I had tried my best toprevent any major problem but they are too selfish just thinking for themselves.Try to put yourself in my shoes when you are going to do something. It is justtoo hard for a mere person to handle so many people’s attitude. 

After so long

 It’s been a long time since I write herebecause of the tight schedule. It had been almost a month since I write mybloggy. I am quite busy for this past month because of coursework and also backto back mock test. This is not important.^^. It is the next thing that I wantto write…^.<
Although it had been quite awhile now, sometimes, I am still thinking about you especially when I saw yourpictures. Flashback such as the time I tell you how I feel. It really annoyedme. Can’t understand why I did that.>.<. Still, I can still remember thetime when at the bus where we are standing to get back from that place, thetime I fist get to hold you, the time to help you from falling off. I don’tknow why I like you so much although we have so few things in common. All I knowis that I really like when you smile.  Itenlighten everything just to see you smile and laugh.

I will take this a part of mysweet and sour memories which I can flashback on when I am old. 
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