On the 12th of October, Tesl 4 & 5 went for sports and recreational trips to Mount Berlumut for our Gerko. As we arrived on our destination, first of all, we are given a brief lecture on the do's and dont's while we are there. Mount Berlumut is called Mossy mountain by us^^. Then, we were asked to go to the dining place where it is also the place for the Muslim to pray. Then, when the Rangers came, we went for a walk which took about and hour and a half to end to learn about the plants and herbal plants. Later, we are given time to rehearse our "Malam Kebudayaan . After that rehearsal, we had our bath followed by prayers and then dinner. For the Muslim, as usual, they pray at the dining place, we, the non-Muslim, pray for a safe journey for the next day where we are going to climb Mossy mountain. then we chat for a little while. After dinner, we performed our performances where we are judged by our lecturer. At the end, we are announced that TESL5 is the champion. After that, we had a short congak time with "pak chan" where he teach us one great techniques to play and to calculate mathematics. Final activity for that night is the moonlight walk where we are directed to walk in a long lane without using the flash light so that we can observe the natural environment. We can see that the plants glow. Most of the glowing plants came from the white mushrooms. Then, we are allowed to sleep.
     For my night shift, i suppose to duty only at 3-4am but, i woke up at 2am so i duty for 2 hours. On the 1st hour, the duty people are only Loretta, Haziq and also Karen. Interesting parts is that Haziq cooks like a soldier wher ehe cooks maggi mee for Loretta and also himself. Then, they went to bed and i continue to stay for duty. For the next hour, there are nothing interesting that happens. Then, i also turned in at the dining hall with Malcolm due to the smell of the people sleeping inside the camp who is selfish and think of himself only.

     In the morning, we are awake at 6 and we are given time to cleaned up ourselves. Then, we are called to have our morning exercise where it is quite tiring with our empty stomach. Then, we had our breakfast which is not as heavy as what the lecturer tell us. And we set off to the mountain.
     Malcolm and i are a team where we put our thins together in a back pack and a sling back. We exchange bah when one of us gets tired. It is very tough to climb the mountain. We have a lot of stops because of tiredness. as we reached Check point 2, i started to feel my legs cramping. Then, when we are almost to Check point 3 i cant walk anymore. So, Malcolm and i started to wait for helps. When Amin comes, i get medication from him and then he set off. then, i tried to climb a little bit more but my legs are not cooperating. So, i had to stop and sit there to rest. after 30 minutes we decided to go down the mountain where we meet Mira and Karen with one of the guides. They gave me another drinking bottle and Malcolm set-off to the mountain with them. I, alone went down the mountain. As i am walking down, sometimes i feels creepy and scared because i dunno what is around me. There are also times where i dunno where to walk and though that i am lost. But at the end, i arrived to check point 1 where i met Madam Ashikin and Lufthi with the guides. We had a short rest and then the guides take us to a waterfall nearby where is is a beautiful scene. The four of us had a leg treatment where there is one type of fish that eat our dead skin. Then we went down the mountain and prepared ourselves to take of back to the campus.
     It is a pity for me because we almost reached the top but what-to-do, both of my legs are cramped. All i can say is that Goodbye Mossy mountain...


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