Wasting time on 11/10/2010

     today, Tesl 1,2, and 3 went to Kluang trip for Gerko where we are going to Gunung Berlumut. For us Tesl 4 and 5, we are going tomorrow on the 12th.
     Now, i am writting this blog on LDV lesson where we are called to do our newsletter which i had done mine 3days ago. Now, i am just waiting for the rest of my course mates to do their parts where how i wish i am not in the group with them. There are bumps who does not want to do their work and taking their courses for granted. Sometimes, it is just too tiring for me to do the job for a whole group of five. Imagine you alone need to do 95% of the work while the rest only write their reflection. it is totally unfair..
     is this what we called "FUTURE TEACHER"? Are these bumps going to graduate like the rest who do the work? To the people i am referring to, please change your attitude for the better because i did not want to be labeled "LEMBU masuk pun boleh jadi GURU" where our lecturer tell us about the teacher image to the public.
May our country improve towards the better and not the otherwise.


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