Tiring day

yesterday is one of the hardest day in my campus life's. in the morning, i am called to help-out with Gerko stuffs although i am not one of the AJK. while i am helping out, i saw the what we so called AJK, eating and taking their time to walk back to the class. While i am carrying the bags(camps inside it) and reaching the class where i am suppose to put  at, they want to lend a hand just to look good in front other people. after they did not get the things from me, they just entered the class leaving the rest of the things carried by us. they just want to look good in front of others and did not want to do their work, their responsibility.

after the class, i went back to my hostel where my senior roommates started the cleaning. the three of us just changed the clothes and start to do the cleaning without having our lunch first. the cleaning process is very tiring and energy taking. though, we have the will to continue to clean it up because tomorrow is the "block terbuka" where the Pengarah will come to visit our block and also the other block.

Today, the upper part of my hands feels like tearing apart because of the heavy loads that i carry yesterday morning and the cleaning job. i hope that my arms will be fined before my camping trip to Kluang on Yuesday^^


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