You annoyed me

     You keep on pestering me night and day. WHAT you want for me? Getting close to me so that you can USE me? I am not your subordinate or your slave where i need to do your bidding. I have my own problem to settle with and you, just ask me to do it for you while your parents are shaking their legs. It is not that i don't want to help you. It is just that your parents are suppose to help you first instead of you directly come to me directly for help. I got my own life dude. You need to understand that.
     You also like to pester me on SMS and also on Facebook. Sometimes, it really makes me sick when you are sticking and entering my life unwelcome. For example, i am going for shopping tomorrow and you said that you wanna tag along too. I have one sentence for you: GET OUTTA MY LIFE!!!
This message is written to A.K.A Tong2


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