11th January 2011
   Lucky friend of mine who get to eat his lunch prepared by his girlfriend. Important thing is not this. Frankly speaking, i am gonna tell the truth here where i can flashback when i see this again the next time. There are one thing that he disgrace himself...><
The thing is that he drop his love letter to the floor when he is passing it to her. Upon that time, there were 3 seniors that pass by and saw it. Although they pass by but i don't think that they saw it. But, He keep repeating it that he embarrassed himself in front of the other. Actually that thing happens because we jog in the campus for 2 rounds (slow run). It is really tiring. So, i think that that is the reason why he drop the paper. He likes to act tough all the time but as a friend that stood beside him i knew when he is completely exhausted.

12th January 2011
   Today, we had our LDS class as usual and followed by ES class where it is very tiring after all the hour of lecture. We continued our lecture until 5pm from 2. It is unbearable. Malcolm and I had our dinner early today along with Alice of course. Then, i watched Chuck for 2 hours and i am going to do my ES work now....Today might sleep late again.


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