Impressive day

     Today, i am holding a big responsibility where i hold RM 976 for my class MUET fees. Finally i can rest in peace where i need not worry bout that anymore. Went for HEP to write the tutorial report. Then, here come the good part...

     I am getting better at Petanque. The lecturer kinda observe me playing. Maybe i am a skilled player...Bwahaha...^^. One of the lecturer tell me the technique after seeing me play for a few rounds. He said that i need to roll the ball backwards in order to hit the ball. The class today is about shooting. Forget to mention bout it. It really hit the ball after i tried for the second time. I began to feel that i am really interested in this game. Maybe i can be a Pro someday. We had a duel with the lecturer and Juliati and I are a really good partner where both of us is kinda good in this..Bragging u would say but i am really high right now in this game. I had dinner tonight with Liana, Mag, Alice, Malcolm and Deva.


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