
     For the past few days, I am kinda lazy to write. Nothing interesting to be written. It is kinda boring just to write the things that i learnt in the class although it might help me in future to revise back. If i continue like that it might become a educational blog in some way...
     As for this tome, i would like to be a little different. I like to talk bout volley ball. For the past two days, i am playing this sports along with a few friends of mine. First day is liana, and another TESL 3 student. Sry i don't know your name. as for the second day, there are Haziq, Ros amiliana, Hasif who come for both day. For the first day, i just played volleyball and basketball but, i played four sports yesterday which is the same two sports, petanque and also tennis. I just played for a while in tennis. It is quite hard to play this sports. While for Petanque, there aren't much player so we just played from 6-6.30 although we agreed to meet at five. This is due to the irresponsible Naim who went outside for so long although we set/book that time for so long already.

That is all from me...gotta finished up my LDV summary or else..>@<


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