
     We had a short gathering at a cafe near "Under the Coconut Tree" with Zhi Yong, Zi Ning, Chia Chia, Mei Ling, Xin Yi and her boyfriend, and also Chun Poh. We just had our cup of coffee and a lot of gossips. They just came back  from Malacca, shopping and also play bowling. There  had a incredible story on bowling where Zhi Yong drop his bowling ball while he is making the swing to throw it into the lane. What a funny situation. Then, there are rumours that Mei Ling is going out with Zhi Yong. It is a short gathering for us where A Poh and i went back first because he is going Malacca tomorrow while i car pool his car. The rest went to Tanjung to fly their kites which i really want to join but just cant. Nevermind there is always next time right. Just to console myself...Hehe.


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