Pissed Off

     Today, it is a total mess. I will say it one by one. First of all, i am sick of Amin where he did not even help the class to borrow the LCD. What is he doing actually? I really wanna know. Before that, is that guy, don't know what urgent is? I am doing for the class which includes him also but he can sit there, shaking his leg chit chatting empty talk with his friend while making me rush here and there to do the official thing for them, MUET. I really hate you you know that? Enough about that, SUP is also another problem. What the hell are you all doing while you all should tell us earlier what we should have for registration. Some more for me to add, you all are smoking in a non smoking zone, and crucial thing that happens to most of the MALAYSIANS, are not punctual. Should start back working at 2 pm after lunch but you all are there only at 2.40++pm, Lastly, there is one person that is so racist where i cannot even answer my phone in Chinese. So, imagine when you are in my place when i am answering the phone with my mom and i am telling you not to speak in Malay, CAN YOU DO THAT? RACIST is all i can say.

     To all my class mates, i really do hope that you all can be more understanding where i already spent 1/4 of my allowance on my phone money just to contact you all and the lecturer. Sometimes it is not that i do not want to call but it is really unnecessary just to phone them because of your laziness to attend the class. There are one more absurd things that happens to me where This person called me to wake him up if the class is on. Totally blur at that time. This kind of person is going to be a teacher. Can you imagine that?

     I would really say sorry and thank you for forgiving my rudeness today because i am out of control because of that SUP and some of you are not cooperating. To those i offended i am really sorry.

That is all from me this evening.Going to study MACBETH before sleeps.


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