Normal days

Yesterday, our LDV class where my work is classified as form 5 essay. Due to that essay, I need to re-find another two descriptive essays as my ISL. This week LDV lecture is all about descriptive essays. From that, we learnt to find simple, compound and complex sentences, prepostitions the five senses, and also the direction when writing the essays. For example, left to right, top to bottom, just to list some.
                As for our SS class, we learnt about nature and nurture. It focuses in human. Man’s have Adam’s apple whereas the women’s have period. This is the nature where the other sexes do not have. For nurture, it is something that can be change as the time flows such as characteristics, personalities, and ex cetera
                For today, we had our moral class at the DST after a moral slot. This moral slots have credits hour unlike the one earlier. The talk is about personality where we can change the personality as time pass. Then, we do not have LS class where we used it to write our  own reflective essays. The class continue with ES where we discuss about Trifles, the drama, to continue the Wednesday discussion. We need to act Trifles the next Wednesday. The director for Trifles is Nazrin which I believe that he did nothing. And my believe is true where he divide the characters on the spot.
                In the afternoon, we had our gotong royong where we clean and decorate the class. There are some thing that makes me sick which is the uneducated classmate of mine that did not cooperate to clean the class. Most of the boys that  you know WHO, just done a bit, just to show his face that he comes. But, there are also some that helps until the end. At least he done his part. For that two guys that sleep when we clean the class, you are totally unforgivable. Because of the inability to cooperate, we finished the important stuff at five which causes me to rush to catch my bus.


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