Cousins wedding(buffet)

   Today is a special day where the so called my mother daughter (not actually blood related) who is my mother sister daughter which looks alike very much wedding. Today, my uncle, cousins and many other sang a lot of songs until later 12 in the morning. The buffet were delicious where there were variety of selection of food. She is the Princess for the day where everything goes her way. She looks completely different than usual. Maybe it is because of the make-up. That totally change her appearance. I was shock at first when i saw her picture with her going-to-be husband. I was bullied where the seniors, my uncle and aunt kept calling me to get food and drinks for them. Are they leg-less? That is what i think. Their son is just beside them but they kept calling me to do the thing that their son should do. Sometimes i think i should fight for the right instead of listen to the older generation. Do not abide with what they want every time.

That is all for the day.
A lot of pictures and videos were captured by me... As usual...haha


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