First day of second week

   Today, in the assembly, Timbalan Pengarah Academik said that the PPISMP non TESL English is poor and is kinda mock the lecturer is other way. It is totally inappropriate to say it in public. Haiz...

   For tutorial lesson today, we discuss on what we should do for this Friday where we will do the cleaning of our class. then our LDS lecture is cancelled where our lecturer is on medical leaves. I am totally busy with KO works where i became the Program manager for our Action Songs competition. Ros, my assistant and I come out with the full list of the committee members. We will further discuss this at night at PKP for the date and time of the competition.

   I am totally occupied even-though it is already LDV lectuere already. Luckily the lecturer have some business to do so she leave for half an hour. So, i make full use of the time and do as much things as i can such as informing all the KO for a meeting on designing the Batik shirts and the English camp date and time.

   LDV lecture bored me where i fell asleep twice. It is mainly due to the rain and the cold wind which is very suitable for sleep time.

   After LDV, we are suppose to gather. i mean the KO. But, TESL 1  KO is absent again. The jerk never change isn't he? haiz. Then, we rushed for lunch and go to the DST for our Society. Committee are choose where Qamarul is the President, followed by Alex. The secretary is Madiha and the vice is Maimunah. Society ended early this week because there were no activity planned for the first week of the gathering. At 5 later, all 2 PPISMP, June intake will gather at the field for sports and games. I along with my friends will go to Cenderawasih for dinner.

   For night, i will discuss about the rules and regulation for the English month Action songs competition with Ros Amiliana.


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